✹ Meet Martin

I’m Martin Headger, I’m 32-years-old and I’ve been Vegan for 4 years. After 11 years in the city of Gold I moved back to Limpopo to look after my elderly parents, all thanks to Covid. It’s been a challenge eating as healthy as I’d like, because the options are so much less here, but my creativity has kept me going. I like to have conversations about being vegan, especially when the questions come pouring out around a dinner table, at an event, party or function. I take this option to show people that there is a world out there where every choice you make, has an impact, and every day is an opportunity to make a difference.

✹ What are three values that you live by?

1. Integrity. Keeping my moral compass strong and remaining steadfast in my convictions is something I really pride myself on. I’m definitely not perfect, but I make choices that allow me to honour my spirit each and every day.

2. Respect. I believe that we should respect everyone and everything. Kindness is something we put out, and will get back. With people, respect is earned, but with nature, respect equals balance, harmony, abundance and prosperity.

3. Accountability. Unfortunately the world is not kind. One of the things I’ve found most sad is that even when people are wrong, they don’t have the ability, foresight, or urge to be better and do better, so I strive to, and respect those who are able to be accountable for their actions.

✹ What was your biggest challenge and how did you overcome it?

I still find that traveling is my biggest challenge, because in foreign countries and remote places, it’s difficult to communicate that you’re vegan, and it’s unfortunate, that even in 5-star establishments, people are still so focused on catering to perceived perfectness, that even making simple changes like not adding cheese to a salad, is something they don’t even think of.

✹ What helps you to stay vegan?

My beliefs help me stay vegan. I do not want to cause harm, pain or suffering upon any living thing… not intentionally… so it’s important, that even when consuming plants, to be mindful of where it came from, and to practice gratitude.

✹ What advice do you have for going vegan?

Start learning more about what being vegan means, more than just what vegans eat, there is the key to the lifestyle – learning about empathy. Also, take it slow at first. Start cutting things out one at a time. I woke up one day and went cold-turkey… It was a shock to my system. I don’t regret it at all, but I think for anyone looking to be as consistent as they can, start slow, and wake up every day and decide that you are going to be the change in the world.

✹ If you had one wish for the world, what would it be?

That we could all be free – people and animals – especially free of our idiocies and ignorance, because once we’re free, we can free everyone else. This will help us live sustainably, fight consumer culture and practice better, healthier habits.

Logo Design of Vegan Community in Gqeberha South Africa

We hosts a variety of events in Gqeberha, South Africa to bring awareness to veganism in a fun and accessible way and create a like-minded community. 


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